Basic RigolWFM Usage

Scott Prahl

August 2021

This notebook contains a short overview of the RigolWFM parser for waveform .wfm files created by Rigol oscilloscopes.

Script to print out description about .wfm file

import RigolWFM.wfm as rigol

model = "DS1102E'
filename = "localfile.wfm"

scope_data = rigol.Wfm.from_file(filename, model)

description = scope_data.describe()

Script to put the values of the channels in numpy arrays

import RigolWFM.wfm as rigol

filename = 'wfm/DS2072A-1.wfm'
scope = 'DS2072A'

scope_data = rigol.Wfm.from_file(filename, scope)

# at this point all the data is in scope_data.channels[0] etc.
for ch in scope_data.channels:
    print("Channel ",
    for i in range(5):
        print("%d %g %g" % (i, ch.times[i], ch.volts[i]))

Script to create comma-separated values

import RigolWFM.wfm as rigol

filename = 'wfm/DS2072A-1.wfm'
scope = 'DS2072A'

scope_data = rigol.Wfm.from_file(filename, scope)

description = scope_data.describe()

s = scope_data.csv()

# just show the first few entries
rows = s.split('\n')
for i in range(5):

Script to plot .wfm file

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import RigolWFM.wfm as rigol

model = "DS1102E'
filename = "localfile.wfm"
scope_data = rigol.Wfm.from_file(filename, model)

for ch in scope_data.channels:
    plt.plot(ch.times, ch.volts,
#!pip install --user RigolWFM
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import RigolWFM.wfm as rigol
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print('RigolWFM not installed. To install, uncomment and run the cell above.')
    print('Once installation is successful, rerun this cell again.')

repo = ""


The .wfm format offers a few nice advantages

  • saving onto a USB drive on the scope is fast

  • uploading the .wfm file back to the scope is (sometimes) possible

  • no need to interface to a computer

  • the files are small (one byte per point)

  • all the settings are contained in the file header

The disadvantage are that different scopes (and often different firmware version) have different formats. Worse, documentation from Rigol on these formats is sparse at best. Finally, the Rigol software to support reading these files is klunky.

Possible Scope Models

This program currently covers six classes of scopes.

DS1000C untested

Support for these models is in the program, but parsing is completely untested.

Handy Abbreviations: C, 1000C, DS1000C

Specific Models: DS1000CD, DS1000C, DS1000MD, DS1000M, DS1302CA, DS1202CA, DS1102CA, DS1062CA

DS1000E validated

Handy Abbreviations: D, 1000D, DS1000D

Specific Models: DS1102D, DS1052D

Handy Abbreviations: E, 1000E, DS1000E

Specific Models: DS1000E, DS1102E, DS1052E

DS1000Z tested, incorrect voltages

Handy Abbreviations: Z, 1000Z, DS1000Z,

Specific Models: DS1202Z, DS1074Z, DS1104Z, DS1074Z-S, DS1104Z-S, MSO1054Z, DS1054Z, MSO1074Z, MSO1104Z, DS1104Z

DS2000 tested

Handy Abbreviations: 2, 2000, DS2000,

Specific Models: DS2102A, MSO2102A, MSO2102A-S, DS2202A, MSO2202A, MSO2202A-S, DS2302A, MSO2302A, MSO2302A-S

DS4000 validated

Handy Abbreviations: 4, 4000, DS4000,

Specific Models: DS4054, DS4052, DS4034, DS4032, DS4024, DS4022, DS4014, DS4012, MSO4054, MSO4052, MSO4034, MSO4032, MSO4024, MSO4022, MSO4014, MSO4012]

DS6000 untested

Support for these models is in the program, but parsing is completely untested.

Handy Abbreviations: 6, 6000, DS6000

Specific Models: DS6062, DS6064, DS6102, DS6104

The Wfm class

This is a class with two basic methods to create objects from files and urls:

  • Wfm.from_file(file_name, model)

  • Wfm.from_url(url, model)

where model describes the scope.

It also has a methods to manipulate the data.

  • Wfm.describe()

  • Wfm.csv()

  • Wfm.plot()

The first two return strings. The third produces a basic matplotlib.pyplot.plt object.

Example for a remote file

First let’s have look at the description of the internal file structure. We see that only channel 1 has been enabled.

# raw=true is needed because this is a binary file
wfm_url = repo + "DS1102E-D.wfm" + "?raw=true"
w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, 'E')
downloading ''

Sample description

description = w.describe()
        File Model   = wfm1000e
        User Model   = E
        Parser Model = wfm1000e
        Firmware     = unknown
        Filename     = DS1102E-D.wfm
        Channels     = [1, 2]

     Channel 1:
         Coupling =  unknown
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =     2.40  V
            Probe =       1X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  100.000 µs/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =  400.000 ns/point
           Points =     8188

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...      8187,     8188]
           Raw    = [       41,       41,       41  ...       110,      110]
           Times  = [-1.638 ms,-1.637 ms,-1.637 ms  ...  1.637 ms, 1.638 ms]
           Volts  = [  4.48  V,  4.48  V,  4.48  V  ...  -1.04  V, -1.04  V]

     Channel 2:
         Coupling =  unknown
            Scale =     5.00  V/div
           Offset =   -15.80  V
            Probe =       1X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  100.000 µs/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =  400.000 ns/point
           Points =     8188

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...      8187,     8188]
           Raw    = [      204,      204,      204  ...       178,      178]
           Times  = [-1.638 ms,-1.637 ms,-1.637 ms  ...  1.637 ms, 1.638 ms]
           Volts  = [400.00 mV,400.00 mV,400.00 mV  ...   5.60  V,  5.60  V]

Sample Plot


Sample .csv file

s = w.csv()

# just show the first few entries
rows = s.split('\n')
for i in range(5):

X,CH 1,CH 2,Start,Increment
µs, V, V,-6.000000e-04,1.000000e-06

Example for a local file

You will need to adjust the path and filename for your computer

path = "../wfm/"
filename =  "DS1102E-D.wfm"
wfm_name = path + filename
w = rigol.Wfm.from_file(wfm_name, 'E')

description = w.describe()
        File Model   = wfm1000e
        User Model   = E
        Parser Model = wfm1000e
        Firmware     = unknown
        Filename     = DS1102E-D.wfm
        Channels     = [1, 2]

     Channel 1:
         Coupling =  unknown
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =     2.40  V
            Probe =       1X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  100.000 µs/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =  400.000 ns/point
           Points =     8188

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...      8187,     8188]
           Raw    = [       41,       41,       41  ...       110,      110]
           Times  = [-1.638 ms,-1.637 ms,-1.637 ms  ...  1.637 ms, 1.638 ms]
           Volts  = [  4.48  V,  4.48  V,  4.48  V  ...  -1.04  V, -1.04  V]

     Channel 2:
         Coupling =  unknown
            Scale =     5.00  V/div
           Offset =   -15.80  V
            Probe =       1X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  100.000 µs/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =  400.000 ns/point
           Points =     8188

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...      8187,     8188]
           Raw    = [      204,      204,      204  ...       178,      178]
           Times  = [-1.638 ms,-1.637 ms,-1.637 ms  ...  1.637 ms, 1.638 ms]
           Volts  = [400.00 mV,400.00 mV,400.00 mV  ...   5.60  V,  5.60  V]

[ ]: