DS1000Z Rigol Waveform Examples

Scott Prahl

March 2021

The goal of this notebook was to figure out the origins of the raw data to voltage conversion on the Rigol 1000Z oscilloscope .wfm files and also validate the conversion against .csv files. Unfortunately interpretation of files created by this family of scopes is still problematic.

If RigolWFM is not installed, uncomment the following cell (i.e., delete the #) and run (shift-enter)

#!pip install --user RigolWFM
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import RigolWFM.wfm as rigol
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print('RigolWFM not installed. To install, uncomment and run the cell above.')
    print('Once installation is successful, rerun this cell again.')

repo = "https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/"

Honestly, the Rigol firmware for these scopes is a disaster

This should be a trival conversion. The scope stores a series of byte values and there is a scale and offset to convert these to volts. Now for every other Rigol oscilloscope the conversion is

volts = (raw-127)*scale - offset

At least two other people [@michal-szkutnik](https://github.com/michal-szkutnik/pyRigolWfm1000Z) and [@crasu](https://github.com/michal-szkutnik/pyRigolWfm1000Z/issues/3#issue-196373027) have tried to sort this out without apparent success.

So what is the story? Rigol has gone through a series of firmware revisions and things are still not right with the lastest version.

The current status is that the voltage scale seems to be pretty close to correct as long as the scale factor is calculated by

scale = volt_per_division/20

The offset seems to be completely arbitrary. Consequently, if you want to use converted .wfm data, validate it against your own measurement first!

The list of Rigol scopes that probably suffer from the same firmware problems are: DS1074Z-S, DS1104Z, DS1104Z-S, DS1054Z, MSO1054Z, DS1074Z, MSO1074Z, MSO1104Z and the DS1202Z.

# Just a couple of handy functions to simplify making comparison graphs.

def plot_compare_one(w, csv_times, csv_data, chno):

    if chno-1 >= len(w.channels):

    if chno >= len(csv_data):

    ch = w.channels[chno-1]

    if not ch.enabled:

    plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')


    plt.title("CH%d: %.3fV/div, %.2fVoff (%s %s) "% (chno,ch.volt_per_division,ch.volt_offset,name, w.firmware))

    plt.plot(csv_times, csv_data[chno], color='green', label='CSV')
    plt.plot(ch.times, ch.volts, color='red', label='WFM')
    plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
    plt.legend(loc="upper right")


def plot_compare(w, csv_times, csv_data, toffset=0):
    for i in [1,2,3,4]:
        plot_compare_one(w, csv_times-toffset, csv_data, i)

def scale_plot(w,csv_times,csv_data,chno,scale,v_offset,csv_h_offset,half_ns):

    if chno-1 >= len(w.channels):

    plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

    v = ch.volts*scale+v_offset
    vmax = max(v)
    vmin = min(v)
    diff = vmax - vmin
    plt.plot(ch.times*1e9,v,label="$\Delta$V=%.2f (WFM)"%(diff))

    if chno < len(csv_data):
        vmax = max(v)
        vmin = min(v)
        diff = vmax - vmin
        plt.plot(csv_times*1e9+csv_h_offset,v,label="$\Delta$V=%.2f (CSV)"%(diff))

    plt.legend(loc="upper right")
    plt.title("CH%d, %.2fV/div %.2fVoff (%s %s)" % (chno, ch.volt_per_division, ch.volt_offset, name, w.firmware))

#    print("       volt/division = %.4f" % (ch.volt_per_division))
#    print("  (volt/division)/20 = %.4f" % (ch.volt_per_division/20.0))
#    print("             y_scale = %.4f" % (ch.y_scale))
#    print("     %.3f * y_scale = %.4f (actual value)" % (scale, ch.y_scale*scale))
#    print("(volt/division)/21.0 = %.4f" % (-ch.volt_per_division/21))

A list of Rigol scopes in the DS1000Z family is:

['Z', '1000Z', 'DS1000Z', 'DS1202Z', 'DS1054Z', 'MSO1054Z', 'DS1074Z', 'MSO1074Z', 'DS1074Z-S', 'DS1104Z', 'MSO1104Z', 'DS1104Z-S']

Background on the voltage and time conversions.

It is bit confusing because the .wfm files and the .csv files can differ. I think that the .wfm files always correspond to the scope’s RAW mode and the .csv files can be limited to just the display or NORMAL mode.

Voltage conversion

From the Rigol Programming Guide

page 2-221:: > volts = (raw_byte - YORigin - YREFerence) * YINCrement

page 2-223, assuming RAW mode:: > YINCrement = VerticalScale/25

YORigin = VerticalOffset/YINCrement

YREFerence is always 127

So this becomes:: > volts = (raw_byte - VerticalOffset/YINCrement - 127) * YINCrement

volts = (raw_byte - 127) * YINCrement - VerticalOffset

volts = (raw_byte - 127) * VerticalScale/25 - VerticalOffset

and this can be interpreted as

volts = (raw_byte - 127.0) * VoltsPerDivision/25.0 - VerticalOffset

Where the decimal points are needed to force python avoid integer math.

Now based on actually comparing DS1054Z .wfm data with .csv data, the above equation fails. This is unfortunate because this is the equation used all other Rigol scopes. Instead the equation is something like

volts = (raw_byte - 127) * (-VerticalScale/20) - VerticalOffset + VerticalScale


Time Conversions

On page 2-222 we find that

XINCrement the time difference between two neighboring points of the specified channel source in the X direction and

XINCrement = 1/SampleRate

on the other hand, when the scope is in NORMAL mode or display mode, then

XINCrement = TimeScale/100

XORigin is the start time of the waveform data of the channel source currently selected in the X direction.

Both should be in seconds.

CSV Files

Display saving

It seems that the time parameters provided in the .csv file (when saving the display points) is set so the center point is at time zero. There are twelve divisions that are saved and each division has 100 points. Therefore the time increment is given by

time_increment = time_per_division/100

and the start time is

-600 * time_increment

(There is probably an time offset also …)

Start with waveform with a single trace

[Contributed by @JBR48](https://github.com/michal-szkutnik/pyRigolWfm1000Z/issues/1#issuecomment-212646090)

First let’s look at the description of the internal file structure. We see that only channel 1 has been enabled. Unfortunately, there is not an accompanying .csv file so we cannot do much more than verify that the file is parsed and displays a plausible 5kHz sine wave.

# raw=true is needed because this is a binary file
wfm_url = repo + "MSO1104.wfm" + "?raw=true"

w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, '1000Z')

description = w.describe()
downloading 'https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/MSO1104.wfm?raw=true'
        File Model   = wfm1000z
        User Model   = 1000Z
        Parser Model = wfm1000z
        Firmware     = 00.04.03.SP2
        Filename     = MSO1104.wfm
        Channels     = [1]

     Channel 1:
         Coupling =       AC
            Scale =     5.00  V/div
           Offset =   400.00 mV
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =    1.000 ms/div
           Offset = -200.000 ps
            Delta = 1000.000 ns/point
           Points =  1200512

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...   1200511,  1200512]
           Raw    = [      174,      175,      176  ...        70,       70]
           Times  = [-600.256 ms,-600.255 ms,-600.254 ms  ... 600.255 ms,600.256 ms]
           Volts  = [ 16.35  V, 16.60  V, 16.85  V  ...  -9.65  V, -9.65  V]

ch = w.channels[0]
plt.plot(ch.times*1e3-0.04, ch.volts)
plt.xlabel("Time (ms)")
plt.ylabel("Volts (V)")
plt.title("Center of MSO1104.wfm")

DS1074Z-A Scope file

[Contributed by @ro-bercik](https://github.com/michal-szkutnik/pyRigolWfm1000Z/issues/4#issue-361649641)

Note that this file uses old 04.04.SP3 firmware and both the offset and scaling is a bit off. Specifically, it looks like the scaling factor (usually, volts_per_division/20) is (usually, volts_per_division/21).


name = "DS1074Z-A"
wfm_url = repo + name + ".wfm" + "?raw=true"
w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, '1000Z')
downloading 'https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/DS1074Z-A.wfm?raw=true'
csv_filename = repo + name + ".csv"
csv_data = np.genfromtxt(csv_filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=2)
csv_data = csv_data[:,:-1].T

t_incr = 2.000000e-05    # seconds/point
t_start = -len(csv_data[0])/2.0 * t_incr    # seconds so that t=0 is in the center
csv_times = csv_data[0] * t_incr + t_start   # seconds

        File Model   = wfm1000z
        User Model   = 1000Z
        Parser Model = wfm1000z
        Firmware     = 00.04.04.SP3
        Filename     = DS1074Z-A.wfm
        Channels     = [1, 2, 3]

     Channel 1:
         Coupling =       AC
            Scale =    50.00 mV/div
           Offset =     0.00  V
            Probe =       1X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =    2.000 ms/div
           Offset =   10.000 ms
            Delta =    8.000 ns/point
           Points =  3000128

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...   3000127,  3000128]
           Raw    = [      115,      115,      115  ...       140,      140]
           Times  = [-2.001 ms,-2.001 ms,-2.000 ms  ... 22.001 ms,22.001 ms]
           Volts  = [ 20.00 mV, 20.00 mV, 20.00 mV  ...  82.50 mV, 82.50 mV]

     Channel 2:
         Coupling =       AC
            Scale =   500.00 mV/div
           Offset =     0.00  V
            Probe =       1X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =    2.000 ms/div
           Offset =   10.000 ms
            Delta =    8.000 ns/point
           Points =  3000128

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...   3000127,  3000128]
           Raw    = [       54,       53,       54  ...        88,       88]
           Times  = [-2.001 ms,-2.001 ms,-2.000 ms  ... 22.001 ms,22.001 ms]
           Volts  = [ -1.33  V, -1.35  V, -1.33  V  ... -475.00 mV,-475.00 mV]

     Channel 3:
         Coupling =       AC
            Scale =   200.00 mV/div
           Offset =     0.00  V
            Probe =       1X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =    2.000 ms/div
           Offset =   10.000 ms
            Delta =    8.000 ns/point
           Points =  3000128

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...   3000127,  3000128]
           Raw    = [      112,      112,      112  ...       106,      106]
           Times  = [-2.001 ms,-2.001 ms,-2.000 ms  ... 22.001 ms,22.001 ms]
           Volts  = [ 50.00 mV, 50.00 mV, 50.00 mV  ... -10.00 mV,-10.00 mV]

plot_compare(w, csv_times, csv_data, -0.01)

DS1054Z-A Scope file

[Contributed by @JensRestemeier](https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/issues/5#issuecomment-599158528)

name = "DS1054Z-A"
wfm_url = repo + name + ".wfm" + "?raw=true"
w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, '1000Z')

csv_filename = repo + name + ".csv"
csv_data = np.genfromtxt(csv_filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=2)
csv_data = csv_data[:,:-1].T

t_incr = 5.000000e-10    # seconds/point
t_start = -len(csv_data[0])/2.0 * t_incr    # seconds so that t=0 is in the center
csv_times = csv_data[0] * t_incr + t_start   # seconds
downloading 'https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/DS1054Z-A.wfm?raw=true'
        File Model   = wfm1000z
        User Model   = 1000Z
        Parser Model = wfm1000z
        Firmware     = 00.04.04.SP4
        Filename     = DS1054Z-A.wfm
        Channels     = [1, 2, 3, 4]

     Channel 1:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =     3.00  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =   50.000 ns/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =      278

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...       277,      278]
           Raw    = [      158,      157,      159  ...       176,      176]
           Times  = [-556.000 ns,-551.986 ns,-547.971 ns  ... 551.986 ns,556.000 ns]
           Volts  = [  2.10  V,  2.00  V,  2.20  V  ...   3.90  V,  3.90  V]

     Channel 2:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =   820.00 mV
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =   50.000 ns/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =      278

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...       277,      278]
           Raw    = [      124,      123,      124  ...       128,      129]
           Times  = [-556.000 ns,-551.986 ns,-547.971 ns  ... 551.986 ns,556.000 ns]
           Volts  = [880.00 mV,780.00 mV,880.00 mV  ...   1.28  V,  1.38  V]

     Channel 3:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =    -3.60  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =   50.000 ns/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =      278

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...       277,      278]
           Raw    = [      103,      103,      102  ...       102,      104]
           Times  = [-556.000 ns,-551.986 ns,-547.971 ns  ... 551.986 ns,556.000 ns]
           Volts  = [  3.20  V,  3.20  V,  3.10  V  ...   3.10  V,  3.30  V]

     Channel 4:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     5.00  V/div
           Offset =   -16.36  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =   50.000 ns/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =      278

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...       277,      278]
           Raw    = [       41,       40,       40  ...        28,       28]
           Times  = [-556.000 ns,-551.986 ns,-547.971 ns  ... 551.986 ns,556.000 ns]
           Volts  = [-140.00 mV,-390.00 mV,-390.00 mV  ...  -3.39  V, -3.39  V]


DS1054Z-B Scope file

[Contributed by @JensRestemeier](https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/issues/5#issuecomment-599210113)


name = "DS1054Z-B"
wfm_url = repo + name + ".wfm" + "?raw=true"
w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, '1000Z')

csv_filename = repo + name + ".csv"
csv_data = np.genfromtxt(csv_filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=2)
csv_data = csv_data[:,:-1].T

t_incr = 4.000000e-9    # seconds/point
t_start = -len(csv_data[0])/2.0 * t_incr    # seconds so that t=0 is in the center
csv_times = csv_data[0] * t_incr + t_start   # seconds
downloading 'https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/DS1054Z-B.wfm?raw=true'
plot_compare(w, csv_times, csv_data, 0)

DS1054Z-C Scope file

[Contributed by @electronoob.](https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/issues/5#issuecomment-600314960)


name = "DS1054Z-C"
wfm_url = repo + name + ".wfm" + "?raw=true"
w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, '1000Z')

csv_filename = repo + name + ".csv"
csv_data = np.genfromtxt(csv_filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=2)
csv_data = csv_data[:,:-1].T

# this .csv file has the last 250000 points removed
t_incr = 4.000000e-9    # seconds/point
t_start = -len(csv_data[0])/2.0 * t_incr    # seconds so that t=0 is in the center
csv_times = csv_data[0] * t_incr + t_start   # seconds
downloading 'https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/DS1054Z-C.wfm?raw=true'
plot_compare(w, csv_times, csv_data, 0.005)

DS1054Z-D Scope file

[Contributed by @JensRestemeier](https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/issues/5#issuecomment-602181223)


name = "DS1054Z-D"
wfm_url = repo + name + ".wfm" + "?raw=true"
w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, '1000Z')

csv_filename = repo + name + ".csv"
csv_data = np.genfromtxt(csv_filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=2)
csv_data = csv_data[:,:-1].T

t_incr = 4.000000e-9    # seconds/point
t_start = -len(csv_data[0])/2.0 * t_incr    # seconds so that t=0 is in the center
csv_times = csv_data[0] * t_incr + t_start   # seconds
downloading 'https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/DS1054Z-D.wfm?raw=true'
        File Model   = wfm1000z
        User Model   = 1000Z
        Parser Model = wfm1000z
        Firmware     = 00.04.04.SP4
        Filename     = DS1054Z-D.wfm
        Channels     = [1, 2, 3, 4]

     Channel 1:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     5.00  V/div
           Offset =    11.25  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  500.000 µs/div
           Offset = -220.000 µs
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =  1500128

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...   1500127,  1500128]
           Raw    = [      121,      120,      121  ...       121,      121]
           Times  = [-3.220 ms,-3.220 ms,-3.220 ms  ...  2.780 ms, 2.780 ms]
           Volts  = [ -7.75  V, -8.00  V, -7.75  V  ...  -7.75  V, -7.75  V]

     Channel 2:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     1.00  V/div
           Offset =   940.00 mV
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  500.000 µs/div
           Offset = -220.000 µs
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =  1500128

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...   1500127,  1500128]
           Raw    = [      123,      124,      124  ...       124,      124]
           Times  = [-3.220 ms,-3.220 ms,-3.220 ms  ...  2.780 ms, 2.780 ms]
           Volts  = [-140.00 mV,-90.00 mV,-90.00 mV  ... -90.00 mV,-90.00 mV]

     Channel 3:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =    10.00  V/div
           Offset =    -8.50  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  500.000 µs/div
           Offset = -220.000 µs
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =  1500128

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...   1500127,  1500128]
           Raw    = [       70,       70,       70  ...        70,       70]
           Times  = [-3.220 ms,-3.220 ms,-3.220 ms  ...  2.780 ms, 2.780 ms]
           Volts  = [-10.00  V,-10.00  V,-10.00  V  ... -10.00  V,-10.00  V]

     Channel 4:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =    -6.94  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  500.000 µs/div
           Offset = -220.000 µs
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =  1500128

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...   1500127,  1500128]
           Raw    = [       33,       33,       33  ...        33,       33]
           Times  = [-3.220 ms,-3.220 ms,-3.220 ms  ...  2.780 ms, 2.780 ms]
           Volts  = [-460.00 mV,-460.00 mV,-460.00 mV  ... -460.00 mV,-460.00 mV]

plot_compare(w, csv_times, csv_data, toffset=0)



Summarizing all the results

It is not pretty. If there was anything consistent, then it is not apparent to me!

vd = np.array([2,2,2,5,2,2,2,2,1,5,2,5,5,1,10,2])
voff = np.array([3,0.82,-3.6,-16.36,4.8,0.52,-5.02,-7.54,0.81,-0.5,-3.92,-14.1,11.25,0.94,-8.5,-6.94])
yoff = voff-vd
vcorrect = np.array([0,0.2,0.33,3,0,0.2,0.33,0.38,0.1,7.2,0.38,1.1,7.9,0.1,9.8,0.45])
plt.ylabel('Needed correction (V)')

plt.xlabel('Volt Offset')
plt.ylabel('Needed correction (V)')

Testing channel selection

name = "DS1054Z-A"
wfm_url = repo + name + ".wfm" + "?raw=true"
w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, '1000Z', selected='24')

csv_filename = repo + name + ".csv"
csv_data = np.genfromtxt(csv_filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=2)
csv_data = csv_data[:,:-1].T

t_incr = 5.000000e-10    # seconds/point
t_start = -len(csv_data[0])/2.0 * t_incr    # seconds so that t=0 is in the center
csv_times = csv_data[0] * t_incr + t_start   # seconds
downloading 'https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/DS1054Z-A.wfm?raw=true'
        File Model   = wfm1000z
        User Model   = 1000Z
        Parser Model = wfm1000z
        Firmware     = 00.04.04.SP4
        Filename     = DS1054Z-A.wfm
        Channels     = [1, 2, 3, 4]

     Channel 1:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =     3.00  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =   50.000 ns/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =      278

     Channel 2:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =   820.00 mV
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =   50.000 ns/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =      278

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...       277,      278]
           Raw    = [      124,      123,      124  ...       128,      129]
           Times  = [-556.000 ns,-551.986 ns,-547.971 ns  ... 551.986 ns,556.000 ns]
           Volts  = [880.00 mV,780.00 mV,880.00 mV  ...   1.28  V,  1.38  V]

     Channel 3:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     2.00  V/div
           Offset =    -3.60  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =   50.000 ns/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =      278

     Channel 4:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     5.00  V/div
           Offset =   -16.36  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =   50.000 ns/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =    4.000 ns/point
           Points =      278

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...       277,      278]
           Raw    = [       41,       40,       40  ...        28,       28]
           Times  = [-556.000 ns,-551.986 ns,-547.971 ns  ... 551.986 ns,556.000 ns]
           Volts  = [-140.00 mV,-390.00 mV,-390.00 mV  ...  -3.39  V, -3.39  V]

[ ]:

DS1054Z-D Scope file

[Contributed by @wvdv2002](https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/pull/17)


name = "DS1054Z-ch1SquareCH4Uart"
wfm_url = repo + name + ".wfm" + "?raw=true"
w = rigol.Wfm.from_url(wfm_url, '1000Z')

csv_filename = repo + name + ".csv"
csv_data = np.genfromtxt(csv_filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=2)
csv_data = csv_data[:,:-1].T

t_incr = 4.000000e-08    # seconds/point
t_start = -len(csv_data[0])/2.0 * t_incr    # seconds so that t=0 is in the center
csv_times = csv_data[0] * t_incr + t_start   # seconds

plot_compare(w, csv_times, csv_data, toffset=0)
downloading 'https://github.com/scottprahl/RigolWFM/raw/master/wfm/DS1054Z-ch1SquareCH4Uart.wfm?raw=true'
        File Model   = wfm1000z
        User Model   = 1000Z
        Parser Model = wfm1000z
        Firmware     = 00.04.04.SP3
        Filename     = DS1054Z-ch1SquareCH4Uart.wfm
        Channels     = [1, 4]

     Channel 1:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     1.00  V/div
           Offset =  -500.00 mV
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  200.000 µs/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =   40.000 ns/point
           Points =    60256

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...     60255,    60256]
           Raw    = [      170,      170,      170  ...       170,      170]
           Times  = [-1.205 ms,-1.205 ms,-1.205 ms  ...  1.205 ms, 1.205 ms]
           Volts  = [  3.65  V,  3.65  V,  3.65  V  ...   3.65  V,  3.65  V]

     Channel 4:
         Coupling =       DC
            Scale =     1.00  V/div
           Offset =     0.00  V
            Probe =      10X
         Inverted =    False

        Time Base =  200.000 µs/div
           Offset =    0.000  s
            Delta =   40.000 ns/point
           Points =    60256

         Count    = [        1,        2,        3  ...     60255,    60256]
           Raw    = [      188,      188,      188  ...       187,      188]
           Times  = [-1.205 ms,-1.205 ms,-1.205 ms  ...  1.205 ms, 1.205 ms]
           Volts  = [  4.05  V,  4.05  V,  4.05  V  ...   4.00  V,  4.05  V]

[ ]: